O nama
South Eastern Europe Health Sciences Journal (SEEHSJ)
South Eastern Europe Health Sciences Journal (SEEHSJ) je zvanična, polugodišnja publikacija Fakulteta zdravstvene njege, Sveučilišta/Univerziteta ”Vitez” Vitez, Bosna i Hercegovina, i Medicinskog Fakulteta SveučilištaJosip Juraj Strossmayer Osijek, Hrvatska.
Volume 2, Number 1, May 2012
ISSN 2233- 0186
Ova publikacija je indeksirana u Mosby`s EMCare i DOAJ.
Izdavač: Fakultet zdravstvene njege, Sveučilište/Univerzitet ”Vitez” Vitez, Bosna i Hercegovina, i Medicinski Fakultet SveučilištaJosip Juraj Strossmayer Osijek, Hrvatska); Adresa: Školska 23, 72270 Travnik, Bosnaa i Hercegovina; Tel.: +387 30 509 760; fax.: +387 30 509 759; E-mail: seehsj@unvi.edu.ba; web site: http://unvi.edu.ba/o-nama-publikacije
Štampa i priprema: ”GO Format”, Blatuša 50, 72000 Zenica; e-mail:format@telekabel.ba; tel.: +387 061 249 991; fax.: +387 032 249 18
Redakcioni odbor
Selma Uzunović
Radivoje Radić
Ines Drenjančević (Osijek, Hrvatska) |
József Betlehem (Pécs, Mađarska) |
Biljana Drašković (Novi Sad, Srbija) |
Bojana Filej (Novo Mesto, Slovenija |
Boris Hrabač (Mostar, Bosna i Hercegovina) |
Ratko Jurišić (Travnik, Bosna i Hercegovina) |
Almasa Kapidžić (Travnik, Bosna i Hercegovina) |
Dragana Milutinović (Novi Sad, Srbija) |
Lejla Mešalić (Travnik, Bosna i Hercegovina) |
Majda Pajnkihar (Maribor, Slovenija) |
Nada Prlić(Osijek, Croatia) |
Haris Pandža (Travnik, Bosna i Hercegovina) |
Mario Štefančić (Osijek, Hrvatska) |
Aleksandar Včev (Osijek, Hrvatska) |
Lektori: Aras Borić (bosanski, hrvatski, srpski); Kamijah Karović (engleski)
Naslovnica: Marinko Žulj
Izjava o autorstvu
Izjava o autorstvu (.pdf)
Upute autorima
South Eastern Europe Health Sciences Journal (SEEHSJ)
Upute autorima
South Eastern Europe Health Sciences Journal (SEEHSJ) je zvanična, polugodišnja publikacija Fakulteta zdravstvene njege, Sveučilišta/Univerziteta ”Vitez” Vitez, Bosna i Hercegovina, i Medicinskog Fakulteta Sveučilišta Josip Juraj Strossmayer Osijek, Hrvatska.
South Eastern Europe Health Sciences Journal (SEEHSJ) jemeđunarodni, prerecenzirani, znanstveni i stručni časopis u kojem su prestavljena originalna istraživanja iz svih područja medicine i bazičnih znanosti, promocija i razmjena znanja koja se odnose prvenstveno na područje sestrinstva (njega vanbolničkih i bolničkih bolesnika, kućna njega, primarna i sekundarna praksa, i javno zdravtsvo), fizioterapije, sanitarnog i laboratorijskog inženjerstva, laboratorijske biotehnologije, akušerstva, i srodnih grana.
Upute autorima su u skladu je sa tekstom: International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Uniform Requirements for Manuscript (URM) Submitted to Biomedical Journals (www.icmje.org)
Rad uredništva
Svakiprijavljeniradserecenziraprijedonošenjaodlukeoobjavljivanju. Odgovornostiiprava članovauredničkogodbora (uprocesu recenziranja i publikacije) su u skladu sa tekstom: Council of Science Editors (CSE). Editorial Policy Statements (http://www.councilscienceeditors.org/sevices/draft_approved.cfm)
Svaki rukopis će se tretirati kao strogo povjerljiv materijal.
Glavni i odgovorni urednik pročita sve prijavljene radove i označava njihovu općenitu razinu prioriteta: a) rukopis se šalje recenzentima odmah, b) rukopis se vraća autorima sa sugestijama za modifikaciju, c) rukopis se odbacuje. Glavni i odgovorni urednik pročita novu, ispravljenu verziju rukopisa, i ako je autor na zadovoljavajući način izvršio korekcije, rad se šalje ponovno recenzenatima anonimno, i ako je potrebno, na recenziju statističkih metoda. Autori mogu predložiti do 5 potencijalnih recenzenta (osim koautora i suradnika u posljednje 3 godine), ili uz obrazloženje zatražiti isključenje određenih recenzenata. Glavni i odgovorni urednik donosi konačnu odluku.
Radove treba poslati elektroničkom poštom, s naznakom autora i naslovom rada na email adresuSveučilište/Univerzitet ”Vitez” Vitez, Fakultet zdravstvene njege: seehsj@unvi.edu.ba. Svaki upućeni rad dobija svoj broj i oznaku (ID) i autori budu obavješteni o prijemu rada i njegovom broju. Autori su dužni taj ID broj koristiti u svakoj budućoj korespondenciji.
Dokument uz prijavu
Uz prijavu rada treba poštom poslati potpisanu Izjavu o autorstvu na adresu: Sveučilište/Univerzitete ”Vitez” Vitez, Fakultet zdravstvene njege, Redakcija časopisa South Eastern Europe Health Sciences Journal (SEEHSJ), Školska 23, 72270 Travnik, Bosna i Hercegovina, ili na fax: +387 30 519 759.
Svaki od navedenih autora rada treba da ima značajnu ulogu u cjelokupnom kreiranju rukopisa ili izvršenju opisanog procesa rada (Izjava o autorstvu). Osobe koje su obezbijedile samo pomoć u obezbijeđivanju materijala za rad, sojeve, reagencije, ili koje su kritizirale rad, ne treba da se uključuju u listu autora, nego da se spomenu u sekciji Zahvale.
Autor kojega su ostali autori imenovali za korespondenciju, djeluje u ime ostalih u procesu vezanom za publikaciju rada.
Autor zadužen za korespondenciju je odgovoran za stjecanje prava od originalnog autora i izdavača za reprodukciju ili modifikaciju dijagrama ili tabela i reprodukciju teksta (cijeloga ili djelomično) iz prethodnih publikacija.
Originalno odobrenje sa potpisom mora se poslati direktno uredniku, i treba da precizno označava ono na što se odnosi (npr., ” odobrenje za Sliku 1 u SEEHSJ-02-08/04). Potrebno je također napisati u legendi tabele ili dijagrama ako je materijal objavljen ponovno, uz odobrenje.
Etički principi
Bilo koja vrsta eksperimentalnih istraživanja koja se opisuje u rukopisu moraju imati odobrenje odgovarajućeg etičkog komiteta, a što je potrebno naglasiti u sekciji Materijal i metode. Istraživanja u kojima se rade eksperimenti na ljudima ili životinjama moraju biti u skladu s Helsinškom Deklaracijom, odnosno s međunarodno prihvaćenim uputama. Izjava o primjeni ovih principa treba da sadrži dozvolu potvrđenu od odgovarajućih federalnih vladinih ili individualnih institucija i da se navede u sekciji Materijal i metode, kao i Suglasnost informiranog pacijenta. Članovi redakcionog odbora neće prihvatiti rukopise za koje se sumnja da nisu sprovedena u skladu s gore navedenim proncipima.
Da bi se zaštitila privatnost pacijenata pomenutih u kliničkim istraživanjima, u prikazu slučaja, nije potrebno iznositi njihova imena niti inicijale. Nije potrebno navoditi niti broj bolničke jedinice (sobe). Rukopisi u kojima je uključena fotografija bolesnika moraju biti popraćeni pismenim odobrenjem bolesnika, koje je potrebno poslati u redakciju časopisa, poštom ili faksom. U sekciji Zahvale potrebno u tom slučaju napisati: ”Dobijeno je pismeno odobrenje od bolesnika (ili njegovih rođaka) za objavu slika”.
Kategoritacija rukopisa
Editorial (Osvrti): (uvodni članak): 1000 riječi maksimalno; do 20 referenci; nestrukturirani sažetak do 100 riječi (ako je primjenjivo).
Review (Pregledni članak): 5000 riječi maksimalno; neograničen broj referenci; 3-5 ključnih riječi; nestrukturirani sažetak do 250 riječi (pregledni članak imaju pravo pisati samo autori koji su iz područja koje obrađuju u članku imali najmanje dvije objave u časopisima citiranim u Current Contents).
Original article (Originalni članak): 5000 riječi maksimalno; neograničen broj referenci; 3-5 ključnih riječi; strukturirani sažetak do 250 riječi. Izuzetak su radovi iz povijesti medicine koji mogu imati nestrukturiran sažetak.
Professional article (Stručni rad): kao i Original article
Notes (Bilješke): 1500 riječi maksimalno; do 20 referenci; 3-5 ključnih riječi; nestrukturirani sažetak do 100 riječi; 2 ilustracije ili tabele (Organizacija rada ista kao kod Originalnog članka).
Case report (Prikaz slučaja): 1000 riječi maksimalno; do 10 referenci; 3-5 ključnih riječi; nestrukturirani sažetak do 100 riječ. (uvodni dio bez podnaslova ”Uvod”; Prikaz slučaja; diskusija i zaključci odvojeni samo paragrafom bez podnaslova).
Letter to the Editor (Pismo uredniku): 800 riječi maksimalno; do 6 referenci; bez sažetka i ključnih riječi; (kratki ili preliminarni prikaz originalnog istraživanja, koji nije pogodan za objavljivanje u obliku Original article ili Notes, ili komentare na članke objavljene ranije u Časopisu). Šalje se naslovljeno Glavnom i odgovornom uredniku.
Student SEEHSJ
Book review
Erratum: omogućuje korekciju grešaka koje su se pojavile kod pisanja, printanja ili u procesu publikacije članaka. Šalju se direktno na adresu:Sveučilište/Univerzitete ”Vitez” Vitez Redakcija časopisaSouth Eastern Europe Health Sciences Journal (SEEHSJ), Školaska 23, 72270 Travnik, Bosna i Hercegovina.
Oprema rukopisa
Radovi trebaju biti napisani isključivo na engleskom jeziku (UK spelling).
Rad mora biti tipkan dvostrukim proredom, tako da na jednoj stranici bude najviše 30 redaka; s obe strane valja ostaviti bijeli rub širok 2,5 cm. Način pisanja treba da je jezgrovit, nije potrebno ponavljati isti tekst u nekoliko sekcija; sadržaj tabela i dijagrama nije potrebno opširno opisivati u tekstu. Kada je potrebno, koriste se SI jedinice. Latinski nazivi se pišu italic pismom, i to puni naziv kod prvog citiranja. U daljnjem tekstu se za latinske nazive koristi navedena skraćenica. Koriste se samo generički nazivi lijekova, iako se i naziv proizvođača može navesti u zagradi, ukoliko je neophodno. Proizvođači specifičnih instrumenata ili reagencija (naziv i lokacija) treba da se navedu u zagradi.
Radovi trebaju imati sljedeći sadržaj: Naslovna strana (posebna stranica), Abstract (posebna stranica), Sažetak (posebna stranica) (na bosanskom/hrvatskom/srpskom jeziku, samo za autore čiji je maternji jezik jedan od ovih jezika), Tekst rada, Zahvale/Izjave, Reference, popis tablica i slika, tablice i dijagrami.
Naslovna strana
Svaka prijava rada u svakoj kategoriji članka, treba da ima naslovnu stranicu koja treba da sadrži predloženu kategorizaciju članka, naslov članka, imena i prezimena autora, tačan naziv ustanove ili ustanova kojima autori pripadaju. Potrebno je također da autori sugeriraju skraćeni naslov članka(running title) do 40 slova, koji će se kao tekući naslov štampati na stranicama na kojima je rad objavljen. Na dnu stranice treba napisati adresu, telefon, fax, te e-mail adresu autora kojemu se Urednički odbor može kasnije obraćati, a koja se može objaviti u članku radi traženja posebnih otisaka.
Abstract (Sažetak)
Druga stranica treba da sadrži Abstract rada na engleskom jeziku koji ne smije biti duži od 250 riječi i 3-5 ključnih riječi. Kod odabira ključnih riječi autor treba da koristi Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) iz Index Medicus. Sažetak ne smije biti opisan, već mora sadržavati sve bitne činjenice iznesene u radu. Strukturiran Abstract samo za Originalni članak: Aim (kratak i precizan prikaz cilja i svrhe rada), Methods, Results (one najvažnije, sa specifičnim, po mogućnosti, brojčanim podacima), Conclusion (osnovni).
Treća stranica treba da sadrži Sažetak na bosanskom/hrvatskom/srpskom jeziku (samo za autore čiji je maternji jezik jedan od ovih jezika), kao i naslov članka na jednom od ovih jezika: Cilj, Metode, Rezultati, Zaključak.
Tekst rukopisa
Uvod je kratak i jasan prikaz suštine problema i svrhe istraživanja. Kratko se spominju radovi koji su u izravnoj vezi s problemom što ga prikazuje članak. Na kraju Uvoda dati kratak opis cilja istraživanja.
Materijal/Pacijenti i metode koje su u radu primijenjene prikazuju se kratko, ali dovoljno da se čitaocu omogući ponavljanje opisanog istraživanja. Metode poznate iz literature ne opisuju se, nego se navodi izvorni literaturni podatak. Lijekovi se navode generičkim imenom. Umjesto nabrajanja kompjuterskih programa koji su korišteni za statističku analizu, nabrojte samo statističke testove koji su korišteni kod obrade podataka. Tabele ne treba da sadržavaju rezultate statističke obrade. Statistika je samo pomoćno sredstvo a ne cilj rada, i služi za bolju interpretaciju dobijenih rezultata.
Rezultate treba jasno i precizno prikazati. Značajnost rezultata potrebno je statistički obraditi, a statističku signifikantnost prikazati skupa sa podacima u tekstu, tabelama ili grafikonima. Treba se služiti SI jedinicama.
Diskusija Svrha diskusije, rasprave, jest interpretacija rezultata i njihova usporedba s postojećim značajnijim spoznajama na tom području iz čega mogu proizaći jasni zaključci. Vaše rezultate nemojte ponavljati, diskutirajte ih!
Tablice, dijagrami i slike
Rad treba popratiti razumnim brojem slika i tablica; treba priložiti samo reprezentativne ilustracije koje dokumentiraju rad. Podatke koji su prikazani u tablicama i dijagramima nije potrebno ponavljati u tekstu.
Svaka tabela (dijagram, slika) se prikazuje na posebnoj stranici u što je moguće manjem formatu, i treba da sadrži: a) naslov, koji treba da je opisan, b) odgovarajući broj (koriste se arapski brojevi) onim redom kako se pojavljuju u tekstu, c) sva potrebna objašnjenja simbola i skraćenica.
Originalnu verziju dijagrama (MS Excell files) treba sačuvati, u slučaju potrebe u procesu publikacije.
Tablice se pripremaju u MS Word (Table). Svakasetabelapišenaposebnoj stranici, aneutekstu, moraimatisvojrednibrojkojijepovezujestekstom, naslov i ime prvog autora. Utablicamavaljaizbjegavatiokomitenaslovestupaca. Umjestonjihmoguseupotrijebitirimskebrojkeilivelikaslova kojimaseoznačavasvakipojedinistupac, aobjašnjavajuselegendamanadnutablice. Dopušteno je korištenje kratica, ali one moraju biti objašnjene u dnu tablice.
Fotografije se prilažu elektronski, uz naznaku njezinog broja i imena autora. Bolesnicima na slikama oči valja prekriti crnom trakom da se ne mogu identificirati.
Skraćenice treba svesti na minimum. Pisanje u žargonu nije dozvoljeno. Skraćenice SI jediničnog sistema mjera se koriste kada kod je to potrebno. Druge skraćenice se koriste ako su pomenute više od tri puta u tekstu, i piše se njihov puni naziv kada se pominju prvi put. Ovo se primjenjuje odvojeno na Abstract i na ostatak teksta.
Acknowledgement (Zahvale)
Rezultati objavljeni ranije na naučnim skupovima ili u drugom javnom kontekstu, moraju da se navedu uz tačne podatke o naslovu, mjestu i datumu prezentacije.
Osobe kojima se zahvaljuje moraju biti imenovane punim imenom i prezimenom.
Funding (Financiranje)
Svi radovi moraju imati nakon sekcije Acknowledgement (”Zahvale”), sekciju ”Funding”, u kojoj će se navesti izvori sredstava, tj. detalji financiranja rada, ili autora rada, ili profesionalna pomoć kod pisanja rada, na sljedeći način: ”This work was supported…..”, navodeći puno ime ustanove, agencije, i sl., uz navođenje referentnog broja odluke, i sl.
Ukoliko nije bilo izvora financiranja, potrebno je napisati: ”Funding: no specific funding was received for this study ”
Transparency declaration (Izjava)
Ovom izjavom se navodi stupanj i vrsta komercijalnog ili potencijalnog dvostrukog interesa (sukoba interesa), prvenstveno financijske prirode (naknada za odlazak na kongres, za konsultacije, ili naknada bilo koje vrste a koja se odnosi na rezultate istraživanja), premda se mogu navesti i oni koji se ne odnose na financiranje.
Ukoliko ne postoji sukob interesa, navodi se: ”Competing interests: None to declare”.
Reference treba navoditi u onom obimu koliko su stvarno korištene. Preporučuje se navodjenje novije literature. Piše se na posebnoj stranici s rednim brojevima prema redoslijedu kojim se citat pojavljuje u tekstu (prva referenca u članku nosi broj (1). Broj citirane reference u tekstu stavlja se u zagradu prije znaka interpunkcije.Treba navesti sve autore citiranog rada. Naslovi časopisa skraćuju se prema List of Journals in Index Medicus, a ako se u njemu ne navode, naziv časopisa treba napisati u cjelini.
Literatura se citira na slijedeći način:
Članak u časopisu
Fodor SP, Rava RP, Huang XC, Pease AC, Holmes CP, Adams CI. Multiplexed biochemical assays with biological chips. Nature 1993; 364: 555-6.
Zajednički autor
The Royal Marsden Hospital Bone-Marow Transplantation Team. Failure of syngeneic bone-marrow graft without preconditioning in posthepatitis marrow aplasia. Lancet 1977; 2: 242-4.
Bez autora
Anonimno. Coffee drinking and cancer of the pancreas. Br Med J 1981; 283:628
Suplement časopisa
Lundstrom E, Nylander C. An electrostatic approach to membrans bound receptors. Period Biol 1983; 85 (suppl 2): 53-60.
Berry MJ, Linoff G. Data mining techniques for marketing, sales and costumer support. New York: Wiley, 1997.
Knjiga ( urednici)
Finch RG, Greenwood D, Norrby SR, Whitley RJ, ur. Antibiotic and chemotherapy. 8. izd. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingston, 2003.
Poglavlje u knjizi
Weinstein L, Swartz MN. Pathogenic properties of invanding microorganisms. U: Sodeman WA, ur. Pathogenic phisiology: mechanism of disease. Philadelphia: W B Saunders, 1974: 457-72.
Zbornik radova
Uzunovic-Kamberovic S, Zorman T, Hendrickx M, Smole-Mozina S. Epidemiological relatedness among C. jejuni and C. coli PFGE genotypes from different sources. U: Abstracts of the 11th International Congress of Infectious Diseases, Cancun, Mexico, 2004. Abstract P59.003, str. 188. International Society of Infectious Diseases, Boston, MA, USA.
Monografija u seriji
Hunninghake GW, Gadek JE, Szapiel SV. The human alveolar macrophage, U: Harris CC ur. Cultured human cells and tissues in biomedical research. New York: Academic Press, 1980: 54-6. (Stoner GD, ur. Methods and respectives in cell biology; vol 1)
Disertacija ili magisterij
Cairins RR. Infrared spectroscopic studies of solid oxigen Berkcley.University of California, Los Angeles 1965; Disertacija.
World Health Organization. Global strategy for the containment of antimicrobial resistance. http://www.who.International datum posljednjeg pristupa.
Online reference:
Dimick JB, Welch hg, Birkmeyer JD. Surgical mortality as an indicator of hospital quality. JAMA 292. [Online] (datum uređenja stranice) http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/short/292/7/847. (datum posljednjeg pristupa)
Citiranje neobjavljenih podatka navesti u zagradi u tekstu.
Prijenos autorskih prava
Izjava o prijenosu autorskih prava će biti poslata autoru zaduženom za korespondenciju, kada članak bude prihvaćen za publikaciju. Sve dok se ovaj dokument ne potpiše, članak neće biti objavljen.
Prvi otisak
Prvi otisak će biti poslan autoru koji je zadužen za korespondenciju na korekturu, i korigiran i potpisan prvi otisak treba da se vrati u roku od 3 dana Glavnom i odgovornom uredniku časopisa. Nisu dopuštene velike korekcije u ovome stupnju procesa publikacije (samo korekcije nastale kod štampe); ukoliko ih bude, autori će biti odgovorni za trošak korekcija.
Autor zadužen za korespondenciju će primiti e-mailom upute. Usljed toga autori moraju imati e-mail adresu, kako bi dobili Prvi otisak. Prvi otisak će biti u .pdf formatu, te će za pristup biti potrebna instalacija Acrobat Reader. Na web stranici: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html
možete posplatno dobiti ovaj program.
Korigiran i potpisan prvi otisak se šalje Redakcionom odboru SEEHSJ, poštom ili faxom u roku od 3 radna dana. Ukoliko autor ne pošalje korekcije, smatraćemo da je odobrio štampanje.
Arhiviranje rukopisa
Ukoliko nije drugačije odobreno posebnim zahtjevom autora, svi rukopisi će biti uništeni godinu dana nakon objavljivanja.
Obezbijedit ćemo prvog autora svakoga objavljenog članka sa jednom kopijom SEEHSJ.
About us
South Eastern Europe Health Sciences Journal (SEEHSJ)
Official publication of Faculty of Health Care and Nursing, University of ”Vitez”, Vitez (Bosnia i Herzegovina) and School of Medicine, University Josip Juraj Strossmayer Osijek (Croatia)
ISSN 2233- 0186
This Journal is indexed by EMBASE (Experta Medica), Scopus.
Published and copyright by: Faculty of Health Care and Nursing, University of ”Vitez”, Vitez (Bosnia i Herzegovina) and and School of Medicine, University Josip Juraj Strossmayer Osijek (Croatia); Address: Školska 23, 72270 Travnik, Bosnia i Herzegovina; phone: +387 30 509 760; fax.: +387 30 509 759; Email: seehsj@unvi.edu.ba; web site: http://fznj.unvi.edu.ba/index.php/seehsj
Printed by: ”GO Format”, Blatuša 50, 72000 Zenica; email:format@telekabel.ba; phone: +387 061 249 991; fax.: +387 032 249 181
Editorial board
Selma Uzunović
Radivoje Radić
Ines Drenjančević (Osijek Croatia) |
József Betlehem (Pécs, Hungary) |
Biljana Drašković (Novi Sad, Serbia) |
Bojana Filej (Novo Mesto, Slovenia |
Boris Hrabač (Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
Ratko Jurišić (Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
Almasa Kapidžić (Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
Dragana Milutinović (Novi Sad, Serbia) |
Lejla Mešalić (Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
Majda Pajnkihar (Maribor, Slovenia) |
Nada Prlić(Osijek, Croatia) |
Haris Pandža (Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
Brigita Skela Savič (Jesenice, Slovenia) |
Mario Štefanić (Osijek, Croatia) |
Aleksandar Včev (Osijek, Croatia) |
Secretary: Amir Ibrahimagić, Habiba Ganić
Proofreaders: Glorija Alić (English)
Aras Borić (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian)
Cover: Marinko Žulj
Authorship statement
Authorship statement (.pdf
Instruction to autors
South Eastern Europe Health Sciences Journal (SEEHSJ)
Instructions to authors
South Eastern Europe Health Sciences Journal (SEEHSJ) is the official publication (two times per year) of the Faculty of Health Care and Nursing, University of ”Vitez” Vitez (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and School of Medicine, University Josip Juraj Strossmayer Osijek (Croatia).
South Eastern Europe Health Sciences Journal (SEEHSJ)is an international, peer reviewed, scientific and professional journal that present of original basic and applied research from all fields of medicine (general and clinical practice, and basic medical sciences), seeks to promote the development and exchange of knowledge that is directly relevant to all spheres of nursing practice (ambulatory, community and family care, home, hospital, primary and secondary practice, and public health), as well as physiotherapy, sanitary and laboratory engineering, laboratory biotechnology, midwives.
Guidelines for authors is in accordance with the text: International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Uniform Requirements for Manuscript (URM) Submitted to Biomedical Journals (www.icmje.org)
Editorial practice
All submissions are peer-reviwed before a decision on publication is reached. Resposibilities and rights of editors (review and publication process) are in accordance with the text: Council of Science Editors (CSE). Editorial Policy Statements (http://www.councilscienceeditors.org/sevices/draft_approved.cfm)
All manuscripts are considered to be confidental.
Editor-in-Chief reads every manuscript received and assigns its a general priority level: a) manuscript sent to reviewers immediately; b) manuscript returned to authors with suggestions for modification and improvement; c) rejected manuscripts. Editor-in-Chief read the revised manuscript. If the manuscript is improved adequately, it is sent to two reviewers (anonimuously) for the review and to statistical review, if warranted. Authors are welcome to suggest up to five potential reviewers for their manuscript, excluding co-authors or collaborators for the last three years, or to ask for the exclusion of reviewer(s) and the reasons for it. The Editor-in-Chief’s decision is final.
All manuscript labeled with author(s) name and Title of the manuscript, should send by email to email address of University of ”Vitez” Vitez, Faculty of Health Care and Nursing seehsj@bih.net.ba. All submmited manuscript gets its own number (ID) and authors informed about it and manuscript receiving. The ID number will be used in all future correspondence.
Submission document
The Author Submission Statement (signed by all authors separatly) should be sent by the post to:University of ”Vitez” Vitez, Faculty of Health Care and Nursing, South Eastern Europe Health Sciences Journal (SEEHSJ), Školska 23, 72270 Travnik, Bosnia i Herzegovina, or by fax: +387 30 519 759.
Anyone named as an author should have made a significant contribution to the overall design of the study or the execution of the work described (Author Submission Statement). Individuals who simply provided assistance, e. g., supplied facilities, strains or reagents, or who critiqued the paper, should not be listed as authors, but may be recognized in the Acknowledgement section.
Corresponding author has authority to act on the all other authors behalf in all matters pertaining to publication of the manuscript.
The corresponding author is resposible for obtaining permission from both the original author and the original publisher (i. e., the copyright owner) to reprodice or modify figures and tables and to reproduce text (in whole or in part) from previous publications.
The original signed permission(s) must be submitted directly to the editor, and should be identified as to the relevant item in the SEEHSJ manuscript (e. g., “permissions for Fig. 1 in SEEHSJ-02-08/04“). In addition, a statement indicating that the material is being reprinted with permission must be included in the relevant figure legend or table footnote of the manuscript.
Ethical Considerations
Any experimental research that is reported in the manuscript has been performed with the approval of an appropriate ethics committee, and should be stated in the Material and methods section. Research carried out on humans must be in compliance with Helsinki Declaration, and any experimental research on animals must follow internationally recognized guidelines. A statement of this effect must appear in the Methods section of the manuscript, including the name of the body which gave approval, with reference number where appropriate. Informed consent must also be documented. Manuscripts may be rejected if editorial office considers that the research has not been carried out within an ethical framework, e.g. if the severity of the experimental procedure is not justified by the value of the knowlegde gained.
To protect the privacy of individuals mentioned in clinical studies, in case histories, do not identify them by their names or initials, do not give hospital unit numbers. For all articles that include information or clinical photographs relating to individual patients, written and signed consent from each patient to publish must also be mailed or faxed to the editorial staff. The manuscript should also include a statement to this effect in the Acknowlegements section, as follows: ”Written consent was obtained from the patient or their relative for publication of study.”
Manuscript categories
Editorial: 1000 words maximum; up to 20 references; unstructured abstract up to 100 words (if it applicable).
Review: 5000 words maximum; comprehensive references; 3-5 key words; unstructured abstract up to 250 words.
Original article: 5000 words maximum; comprehensive references; 3-5 key words; structured abstract up to 250 words.
Professional article: the same as Original article
Notes: 1500 words maximum; up to 20 references; 3-5 key words; unstructured abstract up to 100 words; maximum 2 illustrations or tables. (Organisation of Notes is in the same way as Original article)
Case Reports: 1000 words maximum; up to 10 references; 3-5 key words; unstructured abstract up to 100 words. (No instroductory head, only the first paragraf instead; Case report; discussion and conslusion separate only with a new paragraf)
Letters to the Editor: 800 words; up to 6 references; no abstract, no section heads (report a new, concise findings that are not appropriate for publication as Original article or Notes, or comments on the articles published previously in the journal, or comments on the articles published previously in the journal). These should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief.
Student SEEHSJ
Book review
Erratum: provides a means of correcting errors that occured during the writing, typing, editing, or printing. Send directly to:University of ”Vitez” Vitez, Faculty of Health Care and Nursing, South Eastern Europe Health Sciences Journal (SEEHSJ), Školska 23, 72270 Travnik, BosnIa i HerZegovina.
Organization of the Manuscript
Manuscripts can be submitted in English (with UK spelling).
Manuscript should be double-spaced (up to 30 lines per page) with 2,5 cm of each side margine. All pages should be numbered, including Title page.
Brevity in an advantage. Do not repeat text in more than one section; do not include text that is redundant with tables and figures. SI units should be used whenever appropriate. Genus and species names should be written in italic in full on first mention. The genus name should then be abbreviated on subsequent mention, provided that no ambiguity will arise. Only generic names of drugs should be used, although trade names may follow in parentheses if necessary for comprehension. Suppliers of specific instruments or compounds should be noted in parentheses, providing both the company name and location.
All manuscripts should have: Title page (separate page), Abstract (separate page), Text, Acknowledgements/Disclosures, References, list of tables and figures, tables and figures.
Title page
All submissions in all categories must include a titla page (on separate page) indicating the intended category, the title, the full names and institutional affiliations of each author. The title should give an indication of the scope of the study, but should nor be a statement of the conslusions. Please include a running title of up to 40 characters (with spaces). A corresponding author must be named, including a complete postal address, international telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address.
The second page should contain the Abstract, no more than 250 words, with 3-5 key words. In selecting key words the author should strictly refer to the medical Subject Headings (MeSH) list of the Index Medicus. It should not be descriptive, but should contain only important facts rised from the manuscript. Structured Abstract only for Original article: Aim of the study, Methods, Results (main, with numbered data), Conslusion (basic).
Main text
Introduction represents a short description of the problem described in the manuscript and purpose of the study. There is need to mention only the references in direct relationship with problem presented in the manuscript. Continue logically, and finish the section with a short description of the aim of the study.
Material/Patients and Methods should present concisely and sistematically list of basic procedures, selection of study subjects or laboratory animals, methods of observations and analysis. Avoid listing common or irrelevant methids (use reference instead). The essential data on patient characteristics belong here, not in the result section.
Results section should represents a list your basic results without any introduction. Only essential statistical significances should be added in brackets. Draw no conclusions as yet: they belong into the next section.
Discussion includes interpretation of study findings, and results considered in the context of results in other trials reported in the literature. Conclusions should stated in a short, clear and simple manner, only that stem directly from the results shown in the paper. Rather than sumarizing the data, conclude from them.
Tables, figures and illustrations
Illustrations should be kept to a minimum. Data reprted in tables or figures should not be repeated in the text.
Each table (figure, illustration) should be presented on a separate page in the smaller format possible and contain: a) descriptive or explanatory title; b) respective number (using arabic, not roman numerals) consecutively as cited in the text; c) all the necessary explanations of symbols and abbreviations
Wherever possible tables should be typed as text using ‘tabs’ to align columns. The use of tables editors should be avoided, as should graphics software to create tables. Please do not use paragraph returns within tables to indicate spacing within blocks of text; use instead a soft return (shift return). Abbreviations may be used, but must be explained in full as footnotes. Units of measurement must be clearly indicated.
Hard copy ofall figures (MS Excell files) must be prepared and retained by authors in case it is needed during the publication process.
Illustrations must be delivered in high-quality electronic format, labeled with the number and author name. To protect privacy of individuals, the eyes must be covered with black colour on the patient’s picures.
Abbreviations and jargon are discuraged, but SI units should be abbreviated troughout. Other abbreviations should be used anly if mentioned three or more times in the text, and should always be writen in full on first mention. This applies separately to the Abstract and the rest of the text.
All results presented previously at a scientific meeting or in another public context must be acknowledged, giving the context, location and date of presentation.
Acknowledged individuals must be named in full.
All articles must include ”Funding” section. This section should appear after the ”Acknowledgement” section. Authors must list any source of funds, i.e., details of funding of work, or authors, or professional help in writing a work , as follows: ”This work was supported…..”, including full official funding agency name and reference number.
If no specific funding has been received than this also should be clearly stated: ”Funding: no specific funding was received for this study”
Transparency declaration
All authors must disclose any degree of commercial or potential dual interest, financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence (bias) their work (employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, and grants or other in this section.
If there is no conflict of interest, it should be stated: ”Competing interests: None to declare”.
The author is responsible for the accuracy and completness of all references, which should be numbered sequentially and not alphabetically, with the numbers cited in the text in parenthesis, before punctuation marks, according to the Vancouver style (examples following). Provide names of all authors. Conslut List of Journals in Index Medicus for standard journal abbreviations..
Journal reference
Fodor SP, Rava RP, Huang XC, Pease AC, Holmes CP, Adams CI. Multiplexed biochemical assays with biological chips. Nature 1993; 364: 555-6.
The Royal Marsden Hospital Bone-Marow Transplantation Team. Failure of syngeneic bone-marrow graft without preconditioning in posthepatitis marrow aplasia. Lancet 1977; 2: 242-4.
Anonimous. Coffee drinking and cancer of the pancreas (Editorial). Br Med J 1981; 283:628.
Lundstrom E, Nylander C. An electrostatic approach to membrans bound receptors. Period Biol 1983; 85 (suppl 2): 53-60.
Whole book (personal authors)
Berry MJ, Linoff G. Data mining techniques for marketing, sales and costumer support. New York: Wiley, 1997.
Whole book (editors)
Finch RG, Greenwood D, Norrby SR, Whitley RJ, eds. Antibiotic and chemotherapy. 8. ed. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingston, 2003.
Book chapter
Weinstein L, Swartz MN. Pathogenic properties of invanding microorganisms. In: Sodeman WA, ed. Pathogenic phisiology: mechanism of disease. Philadelphia: W B Saunders, 1974: 457-72.
Published meeting abstract
Uzunovic-Kamberovic S, Zorman T, Hendrickx M, Smole-Mozina S. Epidemiological relatedness among C. jejuni and C. coli PFGE genotypes from different sources. In: Abstracts of the 11th International Congress of Infectious Diseases, Cancun, Mexico, 2004. Abstract P59.003, p. 188. International Society of Infectious Diseases, Boston, MA, USA.
Hunninghake GW, Gadek JE, Szapiel SV.The human alveolar macrophage, U: Harris CC, ur. Cultured human cells and tissues in biomedical research. New York: Academic Press, 1980: 54-6. (Stoner GD, ur. Methods and respectives in cell biology; vol 1)
Publication of agenses, societies
Ranofsky AI. Surgical operations in short-stay hospitals: United States – 1975, Hyattsville, Marylend: National Centre for Health Statistics, 1978; DHEW publication no (PHS) 78-1785. (Vital and health statistics; series 13; no 34)
Ph. D. or MA theses
Cairins RR. Infrared spectroscopic studies of solid oxigen Berkcley. University of California, Los Angeles 1965; Ph. D. thesis.
World Health Organization. Global strategy for the containment of antimicrobial resistance. http://www.who.International (date last accessed).
Online reference:
Dimick JB, Welch hg, Birkmeyer JD. Surgical mortality as an indicator of hospital quality. JAMA 292. [Online] posting or revision date.http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/short/292/7/847. (date last accessed)
References to unpublished data should be made parenthetically in the text.
Copyright assignment
Copyright transfer agreement will be sent to the corresponding author when manuscript is accepted and scheduled for publication. Unless this agreement is executed (signed) the manuscript will not be published.
Page proofs
Page proofs will be sent to the Corresponding Author and should be returned within three days of receipt to the Editor-in-Chief. Significant textual alterations are unacceptable at proof stage and authors will be responsible for the cost of changes other than corrections of typesetting errors.
The corresponding author will receive an email alert containing a link to a web site. A working e-mail address must therefore be provided for the corresponding author. The proof can be downloaded as a PDF (portable document format) file from this site. Acrobat Reader will be required in order to read this file. This software can be downloaded (free of charge) from the following web site: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html
This will enable the file to be opened, read on screen and printed out in order for any corrections to be added. Further instructions will be sent with the proof. Hard copy proofs will be posted or faxed if no e-mail address is available. If we do not receive corrections in the 3 business days, we will assume that we have your approval for publications.
Author material archive policy
Please note that unless specifically requested, will dispose of all submitted hardcopy or electronic material one year after publication. If you require the return of any submitted material, please inform the editorial office or production editor as soon as possible if you have not yet done so.
We will supply the first author of each published article with one copy of the SEEHSJ
Volume 1
Content | |
Letter from the Editor-in-Chief Selma Uzunović-Kamberović, Radivoje Radić |
Review Kronična tuga Chronic sorrow Majda Pajnkihar, Štefica Mikšić, Brankica Juranić, Ivka Blažević, Marija Smješka |
Reforma socijalnog zdravstvenog osiguranja u F ederaciji Bosne i Hercegovine za vrijeme tranzicije Social health insurance reform in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina during transition Boris Hrabač, Aziz Šunje, Snježana Bodnaruk, Senad Huseinagić |
Original article Mokraćna inkontinencija kod osoba starijih od 65 godina Urinary incontinence with persons over the age of 65 Maja Rakin, Nada Prlić |
Nutritivni sastav osoba starijih od 65 godina Nutritional status in elderly aged 65 and older Ana Kovačević, Nada Prlić |
Korelacija gestacione dobi i stepena anemije u trudnoći Correlation between gestational age and degree of anemia in pregnancyLejla Mešalić, Emir Tupković, Amra Habibović, Amela Adžajlić |
Značaj histeroskopske biopsije endometrijuma pacijentica u toku terapije tamoxifenom Importanc e of hysteroscopi c biopsy of endometrium in patients during treatment with tamoxiphen Jasmina Gutić, Nedžad Nakaš, Salko Mašić, Mirsad Puzić |
Laparoskopska kolecistektomija u svjetlu znanstveno utemeljenih dokaza Laparoscopic cholecistectomy in the light of scientifically based evidence Željko Martinović, Cvita Martinović |
Naša iskustva u liječenju hroničnih upala srednjeg uha Ten years expirience in the treatement of chronic middle ear imflammation Alija Gežo, Džinić Mirza, Semir Zeković, Adis Šahinović |
pH površine kože u pacijenata sa antopijskim dematitisom pH of the skin surface in patients with atopic dermatitis Tanja Knor, Tijana Bjeloglav |
Utjecaj kvaliteta vode na incidenciju enterokolitisa i hepatitisa na području općine Travnik Influence of quality of water to incidence of enterocolitis and hepatitis A in the area of Travnik municipality Zudi Osmani |
Kvalitet usluga, kao pretpostavka za zadovoljstvo pacijenata Quality , as assumption for patients’ satisfaction Nezir dr Huseinspahić |
Student SEEHSJ Etiologija i antimikrobna rezistencija uzročnika infekcija kirurških rana kod vanbolničkih pacijenata Zeničko-dobojskog kantona Etiology and antimicrobial resistance of healthcare-acquired surgical site infections occuring after hospital discharge Elma Hasić, Selma Uzunović Kamberović |
Book review |
Volume 2 No 1
South Eastern Europe Health Sciences Journal (SEEHSJ)
Official publication of Faculty of Health Care and Nursing, University of ”Vitez”, Vitez (Bosnia i Herzegovina) and School of Medicine, University Josip Juraj Strossmayer Osijek (Croatia)
Volume 2, Number 1, May 2012
Volume 2 No 2
South Eastern Europe Health Sciences Journal (SEEHSJ)
Official publication of Faculty of Health Care and Nursing, University of ‘’Vitez’’, Vitez (Bosnia
i Herzegovina) and School of Medicine, University Josip Juraj Strossmayer Osijek (Croatia)
Volume 2, Number 2, November 2012
Free full text online at: http://unvi.edu.ba/index.php/about-us and DOAJ (Directory of Open
Access Journal) (www.doaj.org)
South Eastern Europe Health Sciences Journal (SEEHSJ) is indexed by EMBASE (Excerpta
Medica) and Scopus
Volume 2 supplement 1
Volume 2 supplement 1 (.pdf)
Volume 3 No 1
Volume 3 No 1
South Eastern Europe Health Sciences Journal (SEEHSJ)
Official publication of Faculty of Health Care and Nursing, University of “Vitez’’, Vitez (Bosnia
and Herzegovina) and School of Medicine, University Josip Juraj Strossmayer Osijek (Croatia)
Volume 3, No 1, May 2013
Content | |
Holistic nursing practice Bojana Filej, Boris Miha Kaučič |
The well-being of Hungarian nurses in a changing health care system Anikó Németh, Kinga Lampek, Nóra Domján, József Betlehem |
Assessing clinical skill competence of nursing students through Objective Structured Clinical ExaminationDragana Milutinović |
Loneliness, grieving process and depression affecting people of old age Mirjana Kralj-Vasilj, Dunja Degmečić, Aleksandar Včev, Štefica Mikšić |
Practical application and evaluation of usage of devices for biochemical and cytological urinary statusJasmina Kišija-Bajrić, Elmedin Bajrić |
Effect of density in emergency services on waiting time Arif Duran, Mustafa Sit, Tarık Ocak |
Importance of genetic factors in the development of allergic asthma Ljubica Pajić, Biljana Zvezdin |
Occurrence and tendencies of important risk factors in patients with acute stroke in Osijek areaBibijana Rostohar Bijelić, Nikola Bijelić, Ivana Hegeduš, Dragutin Kadojić |
Knowledge of the possibilities of post – exposure prophylaxis for HIV infectionMilica Marjanović, Snežana Brkić |
Evaluation of juvenile sexual delinquency at the Ankara 1st Children’s High Criminal CourtHasan Atakan Sengul, Nergis Canturk, Gurol Canturk, Rukiye Dagalp, Aysun Baransel Isir |
Physical activity as an important factor in preventing osteoporosis Slavica Babić, Stjepan Jelica, Josip Šubarić, Mirsad Muftic |
The importance of static and dynamic signs of non-verbal communication with central nervous system of impaired children during the kinesitherapy treatment Stjepan Jelica, Vilmica Kapac, Gordana Bujišić, Slavica Babić, Marizela |
Epidemiological characteristics of brucellosis and evaluation of the effectiveness of prevention measures in the Central Bosnia Canton during 2003-2012 Sead Karakaš |
Epidemiological characteristics of the pulmonary tuberculosis´s movement in the area of Central Bosnia Canton in light of DOTS strategy applicationZudi Osmani, Sead Karakaš |
Testing habits and diet quality of schoolgirls Emilija Hrapović-Moranjačkić, Ermina Kukić, Mateja Paklarčić, Zudi |
The approach to the case of rarely seen adult morque syndrome at emergency service Tarik Ocak, Zeynep Ocak, Arif Duran, Murat Bilgi, Abdullah Demirhan, |
Fetal cystic hygroma colli Anton Galić |
Correlation of bacteriological quality of drinking water and sewage disposal in Zenica-Doboj Canton Nino Hasanica, Fatima Smriko, Selma Uzunović |
Microbiological quality of meat and ready-to-eat food in Zenica- Doboj Canton in the period 2008-2010Ilma Šakić, Sanita Sejdinoska, Selma Uzunović |
Bacteriological safety of smears of surfacesio in catering facilities and food industry in Zenica-Doboj Canton in the period 2005-2007 Edina Garanović, Selma Uzunović |
Volume 3 supplement 1
Volume 3 supplement 1 (.pdf)
Volume 3 No 2
South Eastern Europe Health Sciences Journal (SEEHSJ)
Official publication of Faculty of Health Care and Nursing, University of “Vitez’’, Travnik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and School of Medicine, University Josip Juraj Strossmayer Osijek (Croatia)
Volume 3, No 2, November 2013
Free full-text online at: http://fznj.unvi.edu.ba/index.php/about-us, and www.doaj.org (DOAJ,
Directory of Open Access Journals)