ERASMUS+ Staff Week – Universidad de Cordoba
Izvršna direktorica Sveučilišta “VITEZ”, doc. dr. sc. Maja Pločo, i voditeljica Ureda za međunarodnu suradnju, mr. sc. Lidija Lendo, sudjelovale su u Erasmus+ Staff Week na Universidad de Córdoba, Córdoba, Španjolska, u razdoblju od 13.05. do 17.05.
Tijekom boravka imale su priliku razmjenjivati ideje, iskustva i najbolje prakse u području visokog obrazovanja s ciljem jačanja odnosa između Sveučilišta “VITEZ”, institucije domaćina i drugih sveučilišta čiji su predstavnici sudjelovali u Staff Weeku.
Kroz različite seminare i društvene događaje, uspjele su obogatiti kvalitetnu suradnju sa svojim kolegama i unaprijediti međunarodnu reputaciju Sveučilišta “VITEZ”.
Ovaj Staff Week nije bio samo prilika za edukaciju i networking, već i korak ka ostvarenju zajedničkih ciljeva i jačanju veza između ovih dviju akademskih institucija.
The Executive Director of the University “VITEZ,” Assistant Professor Maja Pločo, Ph.D., and the Head of the Office for International Cooperation, Lidija Lendo, M.Sc., participated in the Erasmus+ Staff Week at the University of Córdoba, Córdoba, Spain, from May 13th to May 17th.
During their stay, they had the opportunity to exchange ideas, experiences, and best practices in the field of higher education, with the aim of strengthening the relationships between the University “VITEZ,” the host institution, and other universities whose representatives participated in the Staff Week.
Through various seminars and social events, they managed to enrich the quality of cooperation with their colleagues and enhance the international reputation of the University “VITEZ.”
This Staff Week was not only an opportunity for education and networking but also a step towards achieving common goals and strengthening the ties between these two academic institutions.