Na Veleučilištu “Lavoslav Ružička” u Vukovaru od 10 do 14 prosinaca 2018. godine održan je tjedan Job Shadowinga za osoblje s partnerskih institucija na projektu. Sedam osoba nenastavnog osoblja s partnerskih visokoobrazovnih institucija iz Bosne, Gruzije i Srbije posjetilo je VEVU u sklopu Erasmus+ projekta mobilnosti 2018-1-HR01-KA107-047219. Tijekom njihova boravka na tjednu Job Shadowinga sudionici mobilnosti imali su priliku pratiti rad Erasmus koordinatora ustanove domaćina kako bi iz prakse dobili uvid za provedbu projektnih aktivnosti prije, tijekom i nakon mobilnosti studenata i osoblja u svrhu pripreme provedbe mobilnosti na njihovim matičnim ustanovama. Tijekom tjedna sastali su se i s ECTS koordinatorima domaćinima i mentorima stručne prakse za dolazne studente kako bi razmijenili informacije vezene za studijske programe i njihove interese za buduće suradnje. Gostujuće osoblje je predstavilo vlastite institucije i studijske programe na Erasmus+ info prezentaciji za studente koja je tijekom njihova boravka na VEVU.
At the College of Applied Sciences “Lavoslav Ružička” in Vukovar from December 10 until December 14, 2018 was held Job Shadowing Week for the project partners institutions staff. Seven non-teaching staff from the partner Higher Education Institutions in Bosnia and Hercegovina, Georgia and Serbia visited VEVU within the Erasmus+ mobility project 2018-1-HR01-KA107-047219. During their stay on the job shadowing mobility participants had a chance to fallow the work from Erasmus coordinator at host institution in order to get insight from practice for the project activities before, during and after the students and staff mobility as a preparation for the implementation of the mobility project at their home institutions. During the week they meet the host ECTS coordinators and incoming student mentor for practice to exchange information related to study programs and their interests for prospective future co-operation. The visiting staff also presented their home institution and study programs on the Erasmus+ Info-presentation for students that was held at the time of their stay at the VEVU.